Table of Contents
Adding a new Questionnaire Wave
What you will see
Refresh report
Manage Questionnaires Waves and settings within TopBox
What are Waves? Waves are time periods used for sending, managing, and analyzing feedback and assessing change in customer perception over time (similar to a marketing campaign)
- Manage settings for new and existing Questionnaires Waves
- The first step towards getting your questionnaire set up within TopBox is done within the Questionnaire report
- The second step is setting up Questionnaire Waves using this report
Adding a new Questionnaire Wave:
Click on the “ADD” button at the top left corner of the gray banner and provide the following:
Questionnaire Wave section
- Name – descriptive name for the questionnaire wave, ex: Jan 2017
- Questionnaire [that the Wave is associated with] – use the dropdown menu to make the selection
- Start Date and End Date – use the calendar feature to select dates within questionnaire responses are accepted
- Sequence – determines what sequence questionnaires show up in TopBox reports
- Integration Id – the SurveyGizmo campaign ID containing the contact list for this wave by looking at the last part of the URL for the Share tab > Source Tracking (select a wave link); ex:
- Status –
- Active
- Invitation Email Enabled – determines whether the email invitation is automatically sent immediately after the contact comes in from SFDC (regardless of where the invitations are sent via TopBox or SurveyGizmo)
- Is Closed – if selected then the data will NOT be imported and reported in TopBox for this wave
- Auto Translate – if selected then TopBox will call Google Translate to translate non-English comments into English; since there is an expense for this translation, do not check this box for English language questionnaires
- Test Mode – if selected, this causes all the invitation and reminder emails to get wrapped with waipointtopbox+[contactemail]
Invitation Settings section
- Base URL
- Initial Invite tab – set up the initial invitation email for the wave
- From – it is advisable to actually provide a name of a person, as opposed to a department; a more personal approach may help in terms of questionnaire completion rates
- From email – as the From field, use an actual name; you may want to create a dedicated email address/alias to prevent that person from getting any potential replies to their main work email address
- Subject line – provide a descriptive subject line
- Email content – in this area you can customize and style an invitation email with the ability to utilize merge tags and an HTML view
- Reminder tab – a reminder can get sent out after a specified period to contacts who were invited to participate, but have not yet completed the questionnaire
- From, From Email, Subject line (include “Reminder” in the subject line), and Email content (as described above)
- Enabled – checking this box ensures that a reminder email will be sent
- Delay – this field indicates how soon after the initial invitation email you want the reminder email to be sent
- Final Reminder tab – a second reminder email can get sent out after a specified period to contacts who were invited to participate, but have not yet completed the questionnaire
- From, From Email, Subject line (include “Reminder” in the subject line), Email content, Enabled (as described above)
- Delay – this field indicates how soon after the first reminder email you want the final reminder email to be sent
- Make sure to click the “SAVE” button in the bottom right corner of the screen to ensure that all new settings or any changes will be saved.
You will see:
- Data Table: Edit button, Questionnaire, Questionnaire Type (SurveyGizmo or TopBox), Name (Wave name), Start Date, End Date, Auto Translate (false/true), Invitation Email Enabled (false/true), Closed (false/true), Sequence, Integration Id, In Test Mode (false/true)
- Click on the column names to sort results. Click on the column header again to change the sort direction from Ascending to Descending. Clicking a third time will turn off sorting on that column
- You may sort by more than one column by clicking each column name in the order desire
To run this report:
Run the report by pressing button. This acts as a refresh following the addition of any new waves or any changes to settings of existing waves.