Table of Contents
Getting the most out of the report
Run report and filter settings
How to read the X-ray report
Save report settings
Erase filter set
Using Mailto links
Understand the overall health of account relationships
Why you need this report: See at a glance which contacts in an account, by contact role, are:
- Truly “with you” and happy, or at least trending in the right direction, or
- Whether they are disengaged or unhappy, or whether they are trending in the wrong direction
Getting the most out of the report:
The X-Ray report allows you to see which account contacts are the most responsive, which have improved in terms of response rates, and what roles they hold within a specific account.
- Go deeper than the score itself – see how many people make up each sentiment group as well as how many have not responded. Remember that response rate can be a measure of customer engagement or relationship strength, not to mention that high response rates provide higher levels of “representativeness” and trust in the aggregated results
- Non-responders are generally worse than detractors. Engage the account teams to be able to identify and recruit the right contacts
- Are you seeing a high # of Promoters for some accounts? This probably indicates a strong relationship with that account. Review the results and engage the account to find out more about what’s going on so you can repeat that success elsewhere!
What this report provides:
- Insights into response rates, NPS scores
- Whether previously set Coverage and Response thresholds were met
- Breakdown of response classifications:
- Promoters
- Passive
- Detractors
- Disengaged
- Unsubscribed
- Bounced
- Trends for individual contacts and the ability to easily reach out to individual contacts
To run this report:
1. Select your Settings & Filters*, including:
- Account Filters: by Account, Primary Product, Frontline role, Tier, Invoice, Region, Sales Rep, Account Manager, and Industry
- Contact Filters: by a variety attributes relating to Contacts’ information, title, language and more
- Questionnaire Filters: by Questionnaire, Wave OR Start/End Dates*
- Question Filters: by Sentiment (Promoter, Passive, Detractor, Non Responder) and by scores relating to specific question types
*NOTE: The filter names are part of a default set and may change during implementation to better suit your company’s needs.
*NOTE: We suggest using Campaigns (“Waves”) instead of Dates for accuracy in including all Non-Responders. Waves are time periods used for sending, managing, and analyzing feedback and assessing change in customer perception over time (similar to a marketing campaign)
2. Run the report by pressing . You can save these filter settings to use across other reports by clicking the button under the “Settings & Filters” heading. You can also navigate to other related reports for the particular account for which you are viewing the X-ray. Click on the following icons below the report name:
- to download an image of the X-ray report
- to view Alert Followups report for this account
- to view the Benchmark report for the account
- to view the Attribute Trends report for the account
How to read the X-ray report
- Summary of results for contacts from invited accounts.
- The report generates contact cards for every contact invited organized by role (Decision Makers, Influencers, Day to Day, and Other)
- Clicking a colored card shows the full survey response for the given contact
- Each contact card has a “mailto” link that enables you to easily send an email to the contact
- Each contact card indicates the role by which the contact was invited:
- Decision Makers
- Influencers
- Day to Day
- Others
- The Role groupings on the left edge of the contact cards indicate with which role the contact identified with most closely (if that questions is part of the questionnaire)
- Each contact card is color-coded depending on level of engagement in current wave
- Green = Promoter
- Yellow = Passive
- Red = Detractor
- Light grey = Disengaged (non-responder)
- Grey = Unsubscribed
- Black = Bounced
- Contacts that have been invited to previous survey waves are marked by arrows in upper-right hand corner of the contact box
- Right arrow: “flat” trend in engagement
- If a contact expressed the same sentiment in both the wave being viewed (default = most recent wave) and also in a previous wave, then the arrow is sideways, noting a “flat” rating from that contact
- Upward arrow: improvement in engagement
- If a contact was a detractor in the most recent wave, and was a non-responder in the prior wave then the arrow will point upward to indicate improvement
- Downward arrow = decline in engagement
- If a contact responded as a detractor in a previous wave and is silent (non-responding) in the current wave, then the arrow will point downward to indicate the decline in engagement
- No arrow = contact was not invited in previous waves (current wave is the first invite)
- Right arrow: “flat” trend in engagement
- Responders who have triggered alert followups are marked by alert followup triangle icons in the upper-right hand corner of the contact box. Clicking on the alert followup triangle icon leads to the Followups report for quick and convenient review and action:
- Orange alert followup triange icon indicates that the followup has not been marked Closed
- Grey alert followup triangle icon indicates that the followup has been marked Closed
3. To clear the filter set, make sure to do so by clicking on the icon under the “Settings & Filters” heading.
Using “Mailto” links
Clicking on an email address within an X-ray contact card will automatically open up a new mail message window in your system’s default desktop email client (this can be Outlook, Mail, etc.).
Gmail and Google Chrome Users
Those who use web-based Gmail have the ability to enable settings within Chrome that allow the mailto links to automatically open a new mail message tab within the browser:
- If you have not already done so, navigate to Settings > Advanced > Privacy and Security > Content Settings > Handlers and enable “Allow site to become default handlers for protocols (recommended).”
- Open up Gmail in a browser tab.
- Open your javascript console (cmd-opt-j on Mac, ctrl-shift-j on Windows), copy and paste the following and press Enter:
navigator.registerProtocolHandler("mailto", "", "Gmail");
- You may see an error in the Console where you added the code above, but navigate back to the Gmail tab and accept the confirmation from the browser.
- There is a way to check whether “mailto” was set to Gmail:
- Click on an email from the X-ray contact card and it should lead you to Gmail in a new browser tab.
- Click here to test whether the “mailto” link directed you to a new Gmail tab.
- To remove this newly created setting you can always do so by copying and pasting chrome://settings/handlers into a new tab > click on the 3 dots to the right of > Remove, or by navigating to Settings > Advanced > Privacy and Security > Content Settings > Handlers > click on the 3 dots to the right of > Remove.