shopify stats

Users Instructions

Table of Contents

Adding new users
Editing existing users
Import user list
Download report

Add and manage your company’s TopBox Users

Adding new users:

Click on the   “ADD” icon at the top of the grey banner and provide the following:

  1. First Name
  2. Last Name
  3. Email
  4. Title
  5. “Active” status box is checked by default
    • Marking a user inactive does not delete him or her from TopBox
  6.  Security:
    1. Assigned roles (within TopBox):
      1. Administrator
      2. Front-line
      3. Manager
      4. Program Manager
      5. Custom roles set up by your TopBox administrator
    2. Questionnaires (a user will be restricted to the selected questionnaires)
      • To deselect a list of questionnaires, click on “CLEAR”
    3. Accounts (a user will be restricted to the selected accounts)
      • To deselect a list of accounts, click on “CLEAR”

Note: Make sure to click “SAVE” before closing the “Add” window in order to save any changes. 

Editing existing users:

Click on the   icon next to each row in the Data Table (list of User) to bring up the “Edit” window, with the ability to edit:

  1. First Name
  2. Last Name
  3. Email
  4. Title
  5. “Active” status box is checked by default
    • Marking a user inactive does not delete him or her from TopBox
  6.  Security:
    1. Assigned roles (within TopBox):
      1. Administrator
      2. Front-line
      3. Manager
      4. Program Manager
      5. Custom roles set up by your TopBox administrator
    2. Questionnaires (a user will be restricted to the selected questionnaires)
      • To deselect a list of questionnaires, click on “CLEAR”
    3. Accounts (a user will be restricted to the selected accounts)
      • To deselect a list of accounts, click on “CLEAR”
  7.  Clicking on “Reset Password” will result in an automatic email being sent to the user’s provided email address with a link to set a new password.

Note: Make sure to click “SAVE” before closing the “Edit” window in order to save any changes. 

Import user list:

Importing a user list Excel file is especially useful when making a multitude of edits to existing user or adding more than a few new users.

  1. Download your list of Users:
    • Export as Excel file by clicking on the Export To Excel icon on the gray banner
  2. Use the downloaded Excel file to make the necessary modifications. Any additional Users can be added at the bottom of the existing list.
  3. Follow these rules to ensure an error-free upload. Utilize the downloaded Excel file as a template for the allowed and required fields:
    1. First Name – required
    2. Last Name – required
    3. Email – required
    4. Title
    5. Active/Inactive – required
      1. Marking a user Inactive does not delete him or her from TopBox
      2. Marking a user Active sends a welcome/set password email
    6.  Auto Security
      • Enabled: Utilizes User List column containing data prior to each wave. Such data is usually communicated on behalf of your company during the preparation process for a new campaign.
    7. Roles – required
      • Assigned roles (within TopBox):
        1. Administrator
        2. Front-line
        3. Manager
        4. Program Manager
        5. Custom roles set up by your TopBox administrator
    8. Questionnaires (a user will be restricted to the selected questionnaires)
    9. Accounts (a user will be restricted to the selected accounts)
    10. Tag (A) – Tag (C) and Tag (A) Values – Tag (C) Values
    11. Excel sheet name needs to remain as “Users”, otherwise an upload will be rejected.
  4. Save the edits to the Excel file and click on the    icon at the top of the grey banner to upload the new file.
  5. An Upload Users window will appear with further instructions. Click on “Select Files” and locate the file and click “Upload.”
  6. If there are no apparent errors, the process will run for a couple of minutes and check your email inbox for a confirmation email. The email will provide a summary of the upload results, indicate if any contacts were not updated/added, and an Excel file isolating the problem records will be attached.

You will see:

  • Data Table: First Name, Last Name, Email, Title, Role (within TopBox: Administrator, Front-line, Manager, Program Manager), Questionnaires, Accounts [to which the user has access to], Created By (indicates who created the user account)
    • By default, the user list is sorted by First Name
    • Click on the column names to sort results. Click on the column header again to change the sort direction from Ascending to Descending. Clicking a third time will turn off sorting on that column
    • You may sort by more than one column by clicking each column name in the order desired

To download your list of Users:

  • Export as Excel file by clicking on the Export To Excel icon on the gray banner

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