shopify stats

Ratings by Question Instructions

Table of Contents

Getting the most out of the report
Examples to watch for
Run report and filter settings
Save report settings
Erase filter set
Download report


Compare response frequency and scores for rating questions

Why you need this report: The Response Frequency Summary allows you to see results for each of the specific rating questions grouped by wave, account, segment, and various other criteria.

  • View the percentage of scores that meet the performance target, the average score, and the net score for each question
  • The results are grouped by Questionnaire by default, but can also be grouped by a variety of criteria
  • Utilize filters to zoom in on specific segments, such as Roles and Tiers

Getting the most out of the report:

The Response Frequency Summary provides the ability to examine how rating questions scores are trending. A variety of Group-by options and filters are key to zeroing in on more specific attributes and criteria. The report includes the Response Frequency Summary bar graph:

  1. X-axis (horizontal) = Ratings by Question and by Group-by Attribute, second
  • Questions on the horizontal axis are grouped by Questionnaire Wave, by default
  • In Settings & Filters  Group By, click on the dropdown menu to choose a variety of attributes by which to group the questions by
  • The x-axis will display the level of segmentation
  • Hover over any bar to view Question name, Group By attribute, Average Score, and % in Range (described below)
  1. Dual Y-axis (vertical) = Left Side: Percentage of Scores Falling into Performance Range, Right Side: Scores Range (0-10)
    1. Green Bar = % of scores that fall into the Performance Range
      • A default Performance Range is set up during TopBox implementation and is usually 7-10
      • You can set a minimum standard via a score scale ranging from 0-10 in Settings & Filters   Report Settings
      • Hover over the Green bar to see the exact percentage of scores that fall within the Performance Range
    2. Orange Bar = Average Score per Question (relates to the left side of Y-axis)
      • Orange bars represent the average rating score for a specific question and Group-by attributes
      • For example, if questions are segmented by three regions, then there will be three separate bars for that question with potentially different average scores
    3. Blue Bar = Net Score (relates to the right side of Y-axis)
      • The Net Score is calculated the same way as the Net Promoter Score for the “Recommend” question but is applied to all rating questions
      • Net Score = (high scores/total responses) – (low scores/total responses)
      • The Net Score highlights the spread, in percentage terms, between High (9-10) and Low (0-6) scores
      • The larger the spread the better scores are being submitted for the given rating question
    4. Readability – there is a legend below the x-axis that enables filtering out specific bars
      • For example, to filter out the Orange Bar from the graph, click on the “Avg” title in the legend and all Orange bars will disappear; click “Avg” to see those bars again
  1. Useful Filter examples:
  • Note: The filter names mentioned below are part of a default set and may change during implementation to better suit your company’s needs.
  • In Settings & Filters  Report Settings, click on the dropdown menu for Group By and select Industry. This can help answer questions such as:
    • Are certain industries displaying higher scores for certain rating questions?
  • In Settings & Filters Contact Filters, click on the dropdown menu for Roles and filter by Decision Makers, Influencers, Day to Day (and Other). This can help answer questions such as:
    • How are Decision Makers scoring on specific questions across Industries (Group By attribute)?
  • In Settings & Filters Account Filters, click on the dropdown menu for Tier to narrow in on certain account tiers. This can help answer questions such as:
    • Are scores for certain rating questions trending lower among Strategic Accounts?
  • In Settings & Filters Questionnaire Filters, click on the dropdown menu for Waves and filter by specific questionnaire
  • Examples to watch for:
    • Generally, you hope to see the scores performing well for the majority of the questions. However, being able to identify and further drill into why there are low scores is an opportunity to improve.
    • For example, if you see rating questions with lower scores among a specific segment, while other segments are scoring high, then it may be useful to identify the root cause.

To run this report:

1. Select your Settings & Filters*, including:

  1. Report Settings: Group By
    1. Group By – variety of attributes, such as Account Manager, Industry, Region, Tier, etc.
    2. Default setting: Questionnaire Wave – If no Group By value is chosen by the user prior to clicking run, the chart is sorted:
      1. First – chronologically by Questionnaire Wave, with the oldest on the left and the latest on the right
      2. Second – alphabetically by question name
    3. Group By = Time (Questionnaire Wave, Week, Year). If the Group By value is a time-related attribute chosen by the user prior to clicking run, the chart is sorted the same as the default (Questionnaire Wave described above)
    4. Group By = attribute not related to time. If the Group By value chosen by the user prior to clicking run is anything else (not time-related), the chart is sorted:
      1. First – alphabetically by the Group By attribute
      2. Second – alphabetically by the question name
  2. Account Filters: by Accounts, Tier, Region, Sales Rep, Account Manager, etc.
  3. Contact Filters: by Contacts, Roles
  4. Questionnaire Filters: by Questionnaire, Wave OR Start/End Dates*
    1. You may select a start wave without an end wave if that is the only wave for which you want to report
    2. Selecting a wave in the “Start wave” filter will show all data in that wave
    3. Selecting a value in the “End Wave” filter will show all results for the entered range of start wave and end wave
  5. Question Filters: by scores (0-10) relating to specific question types and attributes

*NOTE: The filter names are part of a default set and may change during implementation to better suit your company’s needs.

*NOTE: We suggest using Campaigns (“Waves”) instead of Dates for accuracy in including all Non-Responders. Waves are time periods used for sending, managing, and analyzing feedback and assessing change in customer perception over time (similar to a marketing campaign)

2. Run the report by pressing . You can save these filter settings to use across other reports by clicking the button under the “Settings & Filters” heading.

You will see:

  1. Response Frequency Summary chart
  2. Data Table: Question, Short Question, [Group By Attribute], Rank (by Performance Range), # Responses, Low (scores 0-6), Mid (scores 7-8), High (scores 9-10), Standard Deviation, Average (of scores per question), % of scores meeting the Performance Range, Net Score
  • By default, the report is sorted by Rank
  • Click on the column names to sort results by Net Score, # Responses, Average, etc. Click on the column header again to change the sort direction from Ascending to Descending. Clicking a third time will turn off sorting on that column.
  • You may sort by more than one column by clicking each column name in the order desired.

3. To clear the filter set, make sure to do so by clicking on the icon under the “Settings & Filters” heading.

4. To download your reports:

  • Response Frequency Summary chart:
  1. Export as image by clicking on the icon and “Export Image”
  2. Export as a PDF by clicking on the same icon and “Export PDF”
  • Data Table:
  1. Export as Excel file by clicking on the Export To Excel icon on the gray banner

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