Table of Contents
Getting the most out of the report
Examples to watch for
Run report and filter settings
Save report settings
Erase filter set
Download report
View the frequency of responses for rating questions in your questionnaires
Why you need this report: Determine the frequency of responses by scores for rating questions.
- Use the histograms for each rating question to easily visualize skew in the scores (answers):
- Are scores generally skewed one direction or the other?
- Are scores normally distributed as a bell curve?
- Identify which rating questions exhibit the highest or lowest percentage of scores within the performance range (set to 7-10 by default and may change during implementation to better suit your company’s needs):
- In what areas do your customers think you are doing well or need to improve in?
- Utilize filters to zoom in on specific questions, Questionnaires, Waves and segments, such as Roles
Getting the most out of the report:
The Response Frequency report provides a question by question breakdown of how frequently responders provide each score for a variety of rating questions included in your questionnaire. This report can provide insights into what is working and in which areas your company may need to realign resources and strategy.
Charts: Ratings Histograms
- Histogram – a bar chart counting each time a responder gave a specific rating
- The frequency of scores are mapped on the chart using blue bars
- Each rating question will have its own histogram (scroll down for more charts)
- X-axis (horizontal) = Rating
- Shows the full range of scores that a respondent can provide as a rating for an attribute
- Ranging from 0-10 by default, but the scale can be altered to best fit your company’s needs
- Y-axis (vertical) = Number of Responses
- Provides a breakdown to show how respondents score for each attribute
- Useful Filter examples:
- In Settings & Filters Questionnaire Filters Wave, click on the dropdown menu and filter by specific waves
- In Settings & Filters Contact Filters Roles, click on the dropdown menu to narrow in on certain Contact roles (Decision Maker, Influencer, Day to Day, Other)
- In Settings & Filters Report Settings Performance Range, use the sliding scale to alter the score range (default set to 7-10, but may be adjusted by your system administrator)
Examples to watch for:
- Especially keep an eye out for a high number of respondent scores falling into the 0-6 range (, as this may require further contact between the Account Managers and the clients in order to understand why your company’s product/services are poorly perceived and to figure out how to improve
To run this report:
1. Select your Settings & Filters*, including:
- Report Settings: by Performance Range
- This is where you can set a minimum standard via a sliding score scale
- The change will appear in the data table below the graphs within the far right column signifying what percentage of scores fall within the range specified by the user
- NOTE: Selecting a range of “0-10,” or the complete range of possible scores, will not yield significant insights, as the percentage of scores falling into this range will be 100%
- Account Filters: by Accounts, Industry, Tier, Region, Account Manager*
- Contact Filters: by Contacts, Roles*
- Questionnaire Filters: by Questionnaire, Wave* OR Start/End Dates*
- Question Filters: by scores relating to specific question types and attributes
- This is where the user can filter out questions in order to zero in on specific questions to be viewed using the charts and corresponding data table below
*NOTE: The filter names are part of a default set and may change during implementation to better suit your company’s needs.
*NOTE: We suggest using Campaigns (“Waves”) instead of Dates for accuracy in including all Non-Responders. Waves are time periods used for sending, managing, and analyzing feedback and assessing change in customer perception over time (similar to a marketing campaign)
2. Run the report by pressing . You can save these filter settings to use across other reports by clicking the button under the “Settings & Filters” heading.
You will see:
- Bar Charts: Ratings Histograms
- Data Table: Question (full text), Short Question (abbreviation), Area (Touchpoint, Relationship, Overall), Rank (descending score order in terms of percentage of scores that fall into a specified range), # of Responses, Scores 0-10 (how many respondents gave a rating for that specific value), Standard Deviation, % Average, % in Range (% of respondent scores falling into range specified in Report Settings Performance Range)
- Click on the column names to sort results by highest/lowest % Range, # of Responses, etc. Click on the column header again to change the sort direction from Ascending to Descending. Clicking a third time will turn off sorting on that column
- You may sort by more than one column, for example, by Rank and then # Responses, second, by clicking each column name in the order desired
3. To clear the filter set, make sure to do so by clicking on the icon under the “Settings & Filters” heading.
4. To download your reports:
- Ratings Histograms:
- Export as image by clicking on the icon to the left of each chart
- Data Table: